机械加工安全操作规程 |
添加时间:2019/5/30 14:17:51 浏览次数: |
一、概述 First, an overview 本操作规程对所有从事机械加工的操作人员,做出具体的详细说明,以保证各机加件的质量。 This operation specification makes detailed and detailed instructions to all operators engaged in machining, so as to ensure the quality of each machine parts. 二、适用范围 Two. Scope of application 本规程对机械加工人员(包括车、铣、钻、刨、磨、剪等)在工作时的具体操作进行详细说明。 This regulation specifies the specific operation of mechanical workers (including cars, milling, drilling, planing, grinding, shearing, etc.) at work. 三 、总则 Three. General principles 机械加工在从事各机件加工过程中,必须按本规程实施。 Mechanical processing must be carried out according to this regulation in the process of machining various parts. 四、实施步骤 Four. Implementation steps 4.1 凡从事各种机械的操作人员,必须经过安全技术培训,考试合格后,方可上岗作业。 4.1 all operators engaged in various kinds of machinery must undergo safety training, and after they pass the examination, they can go to work. 4.2 操作前 4.2 before operation 4.2.1 工作前按规定严格使用防护用品,扎好袖口,不准围围巾、戴手套,女工发辩应挽在帽子内。操作人员必须站在脚踏板上。 4.2.1 strictly use protective equipment according to the regulations before the work, bind the cuffs, do not wrap scarves and gloves. The operator must stand on the pedal. 4.2.2 应对各部位螺栓、行程限位,信号,安全防护(保险)装置及机械传动部分、电器部分,各润滑点进行严格检查,确定可靠后,方可启动。 4.2.2 should be strictly checked for all parts of the bolt, travel limit, signal, safety protection (insurance) device, mechanical www.dzlida.com.cn www.mohuijixie.cn www.fenqiangjixie.cn www.jingyixinhai.com www.zhonghuaziranshi.com www.tianyueled.comtransmission part, electrical part, and all the lubricating points. After the determination is reliable, it can be started. 4.2.3 各类机床照明应用安全电压、电压不得大于36伏。 4.2.3 all types of machine tool lighting applications safety voltage and voltage should not exceed 36 volts. 4.3 操作中 In the 4.3 operation 4.3.1 工、夹、刀具及工件必须装夹牢固。各类机床,开车后应先进行低速空转,一切正常后,方可正式作业。 4.3.1 the work, clip, cutter and workpiece must be firmly clamped. All kinds of machine tools should be carried out at low speed and idling after driving. 4.3.2 机床道轨面上、工作台上禁止放工具和其他东西。不准用手清除铁屑,应使用专门工具清扫。 4.3.2 tools and other tools are not allowed on the track and surface of the machine. No iron scrap should be removed by hand. Special tools should be used for cleaning. 4.3.3 机床开动前要观察周围动态,机床开动后,要站在安全位置上,以避开机床运动部位和铁屑飞溅。 4.3.3 the machine must observe the surrounding dynamic before starting the machine. After the machine is started, it must be on the safe position to avoid the movement parts of the machine and the spatter of iron filings. 4.3.4 各类机床运转中,不准调节变速机构或行程,不得用手触摸传动部分、运动中的工件、刀具等在加工中的工作表面,不准在运转中测量任何尺寸,禁止隔着机床传动部分传递或拿取工具等物品。 4.3.4 all kinds of machine tools are not allowed to adjust the transmission mechanism or travel, no hand touch the transmission parts, movement of the workpiece, tool and other working surface in the processing, no measurement of any size in the operation, the transmission part of the machine tool is prohibited to pass or take tools and other products. 4.3.5 发现有异常响动时,应立即停车检修,不得强行或带病运转,机床不准超负荷使用。 When 4.3.5 finds abnormal sound, it should stop and repair immediately, not forced or ill running, and the machine tool is not allowed to overload. 4.3.6 各机件在加工过程中,严格执行工艺纪律,看清图纸,看清各部分控制点、粗糙度和有关部位的技术要求,并确定好制作件加工工序。 In the process of processing, 4.3.6 strictly execute the process discipline, see the drawings, see the technical requirements of the control points, the roughness and the related parts of each part, and determine the processing procedure of the parts. 4.3.7 调整机床速度、行程、装夹工件和刀具,以及擦拭机床时都要停车进行。不准在机床运转时离开工作岗位,因故要离开时必须停车,并切断电源。 4.3.7 adjust the speed and stroke of the machine, clamp the workpiece and cutter, and wipe the machine. Do not leave the job when the machine is running. You must stop when you leave, and cut off the power supply. 4.4 操作后 After 4.4 operation 4.4.1 将待加工的原料及加工完的成品、半成品及废料,必须堆放在指定地点,各种工具及刀具必须保持完整、良好。 4.4.1 will be processed raw materials and finished products, semi-finished products and waste, must be stacked at the designated place, the tools and tools must be intact and good. 4.4.2 作业后,必须切断电源,卸下刀具,将各部手柄放在空档位置,锁好电闸箱。 After 4.4.2 operation, the power supply must be cut off, the tools should be removed, and the handle of each part should be placed in the neutral position, and the lock box should be locked. 4.4.3 清扫设备卫生,打扫好铁屑,导轨注好润滑油,以防锈蚀。 4.4.3 cleaning equipment, cleaning iron filings, guideway lubricants, to prevent rust. |
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